One bad thing about autograph collecting in the mail is you never actually know if the celebrity signed your item or their item personally. Many times at first glance an autograph looks authentic when you open the envelope but when you compare it to others that were obtained in person, there may be very few similarities. I wrote to Christina Ricci and sent a photo to be signed. In my mailbox, I received my photo back with a signature, and a black and white photo that both appeared to be real. But looking close, I noticed that the signatures were very different especially when looking at the "R"s in both names. So after researching, I found out the black/white photo is definitely a stamp. I found others that had an exact duplicate signature on the same photo but in different places, thus ruling out a preprint. Done it silver, its a very fooling rubber stamp, nonetheless still a stamp. This made me question the color photo that I sent to be signed. If they made a rubber stamp of Ms Ricci's signature, why would the signature on my photo be so different. Well in comparing to in person signatures (that are more similar to the stamp on the b/w white photo), I'm pretty convinced that someone other than Ms Ricci signed the color photo. In this hobby, you win some/you lose some.