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Jeff's Autographs and Thoughts

I moved to the Rio Grande Valley 4 years ago this past May. I had collected autographs on and off since I was 7 years old, and with the lack of social life I have here; I've picked it back up again and made many great online friends and picked up quite a few new 'graphs in the process. This blog is meant to both share my successes/failures and if its important, what's on my mind.

Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Which Witch

When I was a kid, my favorite childhood game was Which Witch? It was somewhat like Mousetrap, and I don't really see it around in stores any more. These kids nowadays are sure missing out. The Blair Witch Project movie scared the living daylights out of me. There's something grand in being able to be scared in a controlled setting, what a thrill and today I got an autograph from Blair Witch Project 2 star Kim Director. Another nice edition to my collection!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hurt so Good

What a wonderful thrill to get John Hurt's autograph in the mail from London (wow, I've been to both London and Paris over the last couple days without leaving Texas). For someone like me who has dreamed of acting since I was just a young boy, and to see a man whose had that career from before I was even born, I have a lot of respect, and this man has been in so many movies, without requiring to be the star, just where he's meant to be. Hats off to John Hurt!

Worley Bird

One of my repeated statements in life is there sure could be more laughter to go around. So many people get stuck in ruts of misery and anger. Granted, some with good reason, but personally, I don't think I was dealt all that good a hand. Sure, it could be a lot worse, but I may bitch and moan about things, but eventually I laugh. Laughter is contagious and has great healing power. One woman who can always make me laugh is Joanne Worley. I'm really glad to have her autograph in my collection!

Monday, January 23, 2006


I usually like to make my own statements in here, but Wanda Shirk, the school teacher who didn't get to actually play the game because of the schoolyard pick'em twist used in Palau has corresponded with me via email and sent this collage (thanks Beth), and small photo, as well as a transcript of her creative audition tape, the Ballad of Palau, and other Survivor parody songs. Wanda is a wonderfully charming, creative and caring Woman....Hmm...should this be "C" instead of "W".

But in Wanda's own words "At the top of the news in the election this year - W announces candidacy today for Survivor! No, that's not George W, but the real W - Wild and Wacky, Wise and Witty, Warm and Wonderful Wanda". Maybe Wanda should consider running for President! I think she'd be great!

Ahhhh....Gay Paree

Home sick. Daydreaming. I received an envelope from Paris, France. Ever since high school, I've wanted to travel to France to practice my French. Its gotten quite a bit rusty now, but when I think of entertainment and Paris, I knew right away that I'd be opening this autographed picture from the exotic Brigitte Bardot. I've wanted her autograph for ages, mainly because she has a way cool signature. Well, I still haven't made it to Paris, but at least my envelope did, so in turn part of me did as well.

Washer and Dryer

Funny how some things make you think of other things that are pretty much irrelevent. But getting this success in the mail made me think of the fact that I've been in my condo almost five years now and ever since I moved in, I wanted to get a washer/DRYER, yet still have to tote all my clothes to the complex laundramat. Maybe it will motivate me! But Fred Dryer has had a great career, and it was a nice surprise to get this "Hunter" photo in the mail from him. That reminds me of another thing. I need to write to Hunter from Survivor. LOL. I'm home sick from work today. Maybe that's why I've lost it!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


One of my favorite movies, probably in my Top 10, is the movie "Go" from the late 90's. A lot of the cast were pretty much no-names at the time, but have gone on to become bigger stars now. Sarah Polley did a wonderful job playing Ronna, one of the main character's in this movie that shows things from different perspectives. Sarah's gone on to do other stuff and did a great job in the remake of "Dawn of the Dead." She's starting to resemble Uma Thurman as well!

Another tale of forbidden love

I am a big sucker for stories about forbidden love. There is just something about two people fighting all odds for a love worth fighting for. Even though the storyline only lasted one episode, the story of Nadia and Saheed on "Lost" was one such story. Andrea Gabriel did a wonderful job portraying Nadia, and it was one of the most memorable plots in the show's history.

Trading Spaces

Aren't there times in life, you just wish you could trade lives with someone else just for a short time (or maybe permanently). Ahh...ok, back to reality. I've always enjoyed the show "Trading Spaces" and my favorite desinger is Frank Bielec mainly because he doesn't get crazy with putting feathers and stuff all over walls. Frank has a great website at with some great tips and I was glad to get this autographed photo from him as well. I hadn't realized he was a Texan as well.

Its all in the marketing

I'm learning slowly but surely, when you have a dream, there is no point in sitting around and waiting for it to come to you. Jason Aaron Baca's website gave me some motivation into my lifelong dream of acting. I'm considering moving to NY or LA over the summer to follow my personal dreams and goals for the first time. Thanks to Jason for the motivation and autographed photo!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lindsay Hollister

Usually I try to be a little more creative with my post titles, but this young lady just blew me away recently when I saw her play the title character of Nanette Babcock in Season 1 of "Nip/Tuck". I've heard so much about this show, and was really psyched my sister bought me Season 1 for Christmas. (Thanks Jules!) I had never seen any of Lindsay's work prior to this "Nip/Tuck" episode and was just blown away by what a difficult role this must have been to play. As a viewer, I was able to really connect with Nanette's agony and frustration, and Lindsay did an incredible job of helping the viewer understand the pain and suffering a person like Nanette faces on a daily basis. After watching the show I looked Lindsay up on and found out she had a website, so I checked it out, sent her an e-mail, and she sent me back a wonderful e-mail response and this great autographed picture in the mail. This is a caring young woman and a truly talented actress. Check out her website at and make sure to check out some of her work!

The Wicked Mother-in-Law

In 2005, Shirley Knight celebrated 50 years of acting on the big and small screen. Even though she's had many wonderful parts, the one that comes to mind for me was her small role as Bree's mother-in-law Phyllis VanDeKamp this season on "Desperate Housewives". The great thing with this show is the small characters and guest stars. Shirley showed her great acting skills playing that mother-in-law we all love to hate. Luckily, I've never had to deal with having a wicked mother-in-law...knock on wood :)


When I think of Dennis Weaver, the first thing that comes to mind is "McCloud", another inventive 70's police drama in which a cowboy (without earring) goes to the big city (where there aren't any police women haha). Mr. Weaver has played many great roles in his career and I'm Mc-cited to have his autograph in my collection. Now I'm craving a little McDonald's! Bad, bad Jeff!

Cowboy hats and earrings

I must be in a rebellious mood today. I'm noticing things that were once taboo but are now at least somewhat socially acceptable. Not too long ago, it was also unheard of for a masculine male to wear ear rings, let alone a cowboy or country music artist. Its great to see artists like Jason Aldean bringing their own personality and style to country music. Personally, I don't understand all the feuding about the old and new country music. They're both good, depending on your taste. Personally, its nice to see things change! Jason Aldean is just starting out his music career and apparently cares about his fans by sending out autographed photos, where a lot of the country singers that used to are requiring membership in their fan club. I hope we'll be hearing and seeing a lot more of Jason in the near future.

"Police Woman", an ancient oxymoron

A long time ago, in a galaxy....oops, wrong show! Its hard to believe that in the not too distant past, the concept of a woman being a police officer was totally unheard of. I'm the type of person who truly believes every man, woman and child should be able to follow their dreams and not be biased upon by age, sex, gender, etc. Angie Dickinson and Earl Holliman (whose autograph I was delighted to get) brought acceptance to the woman Police officer thing with the inventive TV show "Police Woman" in the 70's, which by the way, according to Earl, is coming out on DVD (Season 1) on March 7th. If you've never seen it, check it out, it was definitely a rebellious show for that time period.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

There are actors/actresses and then there are movie stars

I've always found there to be a big difference between those people in movies I would consider actors and those that I would consider movie stars. To me actors play a variety of roles and you, as a viewer, forget you are watching the actor play a role, but believe they have become the character. This is especially hard when its an actor you've seen in many productions, but somehow they almost always manage to pull it off. Movie stars, on the other hand, tend to play the same roles over and over, and are just as well known for their offscreen antics, as they are for the roles they play. Some people can crossover into both. Funny thing to get in the mail the same day a man and woman who I would consider top of the line in the "actor/actress" category": Michael Caine and Dianne Wiest. Each have a huge list of accomplishments and have taken in part in a good amount of the best films ever made. Great additions to my collection.

Sweet Dreams...

What a nice inscription from Robert Englund, more famous for saying "See you in your nightmares" in the "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies. I remember seeing the first of the series at the drive-in in NY and being scared shitless for weeks. No other movie has left me feeling like that until recently when I saw "Hostel." Thanks again Beth for helping me get this autograph from a man I've admired for many years!


I love the artwork of "DaVinci", was fascinated by the book "The DaVinci Code" and anticipating the movie and am grateful to my friend Beth for helping me get this autographed photo from the yet to be seen "Davinci's City Hall" TV Show. After receving this signed photo of its star, Nicholas Campbell, I plan to check it out in the near future!

Reality show winners

Even though a lot of people don't like the reality shows; there are several I like. Two of which are "American Idol" and "Survivor". I've always wanted to be a singer, but lack talent so will have to stick with drunken Karaoke, and morning time in the shower, as well as making an idiot out of myself in the car, but I've always thought I was suited well for "Survivor." Funny to get two successes from former winners of both reality shows in the same day. It was great to receive these signed photos from "American Idol 4" winner Carrie Underwood and "Survivor All-Stars" winner Amber Brkich.

Forever Friends...

was the inscription on this autographed photo I got from "Life Goes On" star Chris Burke. It made me think of all the friends I've had in my life that I had hundreds of wonderful moments with and yet one bad one that ended long friendships. Funny, how we very often let one bad moment become more powerful than thousands of good moments. Will we ever learn? Will I ever learn?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Being comfortable in your skin

It amazes me how many people just can't be themselves. They pretend to be someone else, and often times it is amazing to me. It amazes me how so many overweight people think they can pretend not to be and think no one will notice. Me, on the other hand, I need to lose weight, not as much for vanity sake, but for how I feel when I'm not in the 190 zone. I respect actors like Philip Wiegratz who have the guts to play a fat character in a movie and not be embarrassed about it in the least. More people should feel comfortable in their own skin, and accept others the way they are. Some people are happy overweight, some arent', but even if you aren't, if you want to do something about it, you have to admit it!

Special Delivery

For some reason, when I get mail special delivery, I get this air of importance, even when its an autograph. Mike Wallace sent me this autographed photo 2 day priority mail and I found it at my doorstep. Maybe next time, I'll find Ed McMahon standing there with some money. Now wouldn't that be nice!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Brand New Year

2006 has started and always, it brings about reflection on the year prior and life in general. The three successes I got on the first mail day of the year are interesting because they all in one way or another deal with things I've dreamed about in my life and have an aspiration to possibly do. I love watching movies and like to write and am definitely opinionated in regards to the movies I watch so Richard Roeper fits the bill as someone living the life of a career I would really enjoy, and usually I am on the same page with his viewpoints. Margaret Bobonich was in the last Survivor, and as a nurturing person, I'd be similar to her on the show, except I'd probably be a lot more in tune to the politics of the game. I've tried out several times for Survivor and don't intend to give up until I'm ready to. That's the tenacity in me. And Tang Nguyen is and up and coming actor whose done a lot of small parts, most recently (to my knowledge) on CSI. I really enjoyed reading his website and it gave me a lot of motivation to seek out the actor in me; or in general start seeking out MY dreams opposed to everyone else's views on what I should do. I know those people are looking out for me but I need to learn to do what makes me happy!