Lindsay Hollister
Usually I try to be a little more creative with my post titles, but this young lady just blew me away recently when I saw her play the title character of Nanette Babcock in Season 1 of "Nip/Tuck". I've heard so much about this show, and was really psyched my sister bought me Season 1 for Christmas. (Thanks Jules!) I had never seen any of Lindsay's work prior to this "Nip/Tuck" episode and was just blown away by what a difficult role this must have been to play. As a viewer, I was able to really connect with Nanette's agony and frustration, and Lindsay did an incredible job of helping the viewer understand the pain and suffering a person like Nanette faces on a daily basis. After watching the show I looked Lindsay up on and found out she had a website, so I checked it out, sent her an e-mail, and she sent me back a wonderful e-mail response and this great autographed picture in the mail. This is a caring young woman and a truly talented actress. Check out her website at and make sure to check out some of her work!
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