Golden Boy
That was the nickname given to Blake Towsley by his other castaways on Survivor Guatemala because good things just seem to come his way. When I was little I had golden hair, and the foster home I was in before my parents adopted me called me the same...but most things in life haven't come so easy for me. People often think they do, but other than grades when I was in elementary and high school, I've really had to apply myself and work hard, which oftentimes people don't see. I've learned that a lot of times what some people view as a gifted life is often times a life filled with many, many personal struggles but overcome by a deep down desire to overcome all odds. We saw this with Blake on Survivor. He was down and out and sick as a dog, yet every challenge he went to he mustered up the energy to give it his all. I've learned anything that deems the word "golden" usually comes with a lot of hard work; hmmm..sometimes that even applies to hair color!
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