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Jeff's Autographs and Thoughts

I moved to the Rio Grande Valley 4 years ago this past May. I had collected autographs on and off since I was 7 years old, and with the lack of social life I have here; I've picked it back up again and made many great online friends and picked up quite a few new 'graphs in the process. This blog is meant to both share my successes/failures and if its important, what's on my mind.

Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Fabulous T-Bird

Teresa Cooper had the nickname T-Bird on Survivor Africa, which whenever I hear that reminds me of my first car....a bright red 1977 Thunderbird. It used to be the family car but became mine at college, and on a snowy day, I decided I was from Buffalo and could drive in any weather so decided to take a bunch of my friends down the bill hill to go get some food. Well, my ego got the best of me...the roads were horrible, the brakes failed and we slowly and I mean slowly drove right into a telephone pole on the way down. The incline of the hill and the weight of all of us (I think there were 7 of us packed in the car) meant the end of the Red T-Bird, and the beginnings of harsh lessons in responsibility. Teresa on Survivor was the one that was able to meld with both the older and younger crowd and was seriously there to play the game. She's one that I was surprised wasn't on the Allstar edition.


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