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Jeff's Autographs and Thoughts

I moved to the Rio Grande Valley 4 years ago this past May. I had collected autographs on and off since I was 7 years old, and with the lack of social life I have here; I've picked it back up again and made many great online friends and picked up quite a few new 'graphs in the process. This blog is meant to both share my successes/failures and if its important, what's on my mind.

Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Words of Wisdom

My latest Survivor success came from Hunter Ellis, a fan favorite even though he had such a short stay on the show. Hunter's gone on to do a lot with his career, and gave me some great advice in both applying for the show, and really, wisdom that can be used in life in general: "My best advice to you is simple....Be Yourself...But sell yourself and highlight things in your life you have accomplished or are passionate about that will make you stand out from the others..." Those are definitely words to live by.


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