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Jeff's Autographs and Thoughts

I moved to the Rio Grande Valley 4 years ago this past May. I had collected autographs on and off since I was 7 years old, and with the lack of social life I have here; I've picked it back up again and made many great online friends and picked up quite a few new 'graphs in the process. This blog is meant to both share my successes/failures and if its important, what's on my mind.

Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States

Saturday, June 10, 2006


When I was in college at Pace University in Pleasantville, NY, me and some friends would regularly take road trips. Ocean City in Maryland, Montreal, Daytona Beach, skiining in Vermont (and other places), the Hamptons, but one trip we always talked about taking was to Boston to go to The Bull and Finch, the bar "Cheers" took place in. I still haven't made it there, or to Boston for that matter, but hopefully will eventually. At least I have this autographed photo of "Cheers" star John Ratzenberger as a momentum :)


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